Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Gospel Changes Lives!

We who are believers in Jesus Christ know that the Gospel of Christ has the power to change lives.  But it is really quite encouraging when the secular world also sees and acknowledges that power.

Last week I got a call from a senior reporter from the Phnom Penh Post.  The Post is the primary English language newspaper in Cambodia (I know, a big fish in a small pond).  The Post is well known in Cambodia by all the expatriates and is also read by more educated Cambodians.

The reporter wrote a lead article on June 12 for the newspaper about one of our C&MA churches in Ratanakiri province in far NE Cambodia, the large number of people in the village who had become Christians, and the powerful changes in lives because of the Gospel.  He included a picture of the simple wooden C&MA church.  He even managed to quote me accurately a few times.

The link for the article is:

The report was mostly accurate.  I would have given a lot more credit to the Jarai desire to be free from evil spirits over finances as the motivation for conversion.  The only other slight adjustment is that the C&MA started mission work with the Jarai in Vietnam probably around the 1940s, not the 1970s.

Other than those two points, I thought the report was a wonderful public testimony of the power of Christ to change lives...  and from a secular newspaper at that.  We praise the Lord for His power in the lives of the Jarai believers and their clear testimony to the positive changes that Christ has helped them make.

Thanks for your support in helping our C&MA team be here to serve in Cambodia.  Just like you, we have days of rejoicing and days of challenge.  Today is a day to rejoice.  We are so thankful for you who pray for us faithfully and support our ministry through your sacrificial gifts and offerings through the Alliance.  What a privilege all of us have to be involved in this call to see lives set free with new hope for this life and the next.

In Christ, Dave and Chris Manfred