Friday, May 2, 2008

May Prayer Letter

Dear Friends near and far:

We are so thankful for the ways that you support us in prayer. We have sensed that support countless times and are thankful for the ways that God has been working to continue to build His Church here in Cambodia. There have been a number of encouraging things along the way...

• A recently completed CMA youth conference where more than 550 CMA young people from all around Cambodia were challenged to grow in their faith and share it with others. For the first time, the majority of the Youth Conference speakers were Cambodian CMA pastors. It is exciting to see the National Church continue to grow and many young people made deeper commitments to Christ.

• On April 11, there was a tragic fire about a mile from our Phnom Penh office. Miraculously, no one was killed. This truly was a miracle since more than 600 families lost their homes from the fire. In true "beauty from the ashes" form, this tragedy has also opened up doors for Gospel witness to these families through the significant financial response from the broader Christian community in Cambodia to help those affected by the fire. The CMA's New Jerusalem church which is less than a mile from the fire has had a team of people offering help to those who lost their homes. The CMA’s Western Great Lakes District has also come alongside us to help meet these needs

• The CMA Cambodian Mission Ministry Center is more than half way done. Lord willing, we should move into our new office by the end of June and a new Storage/Guest House should be completed by mid-August. These two quality buildings will serve the Cambodian Mission for all the years we continue to work in Cambodia and in 10 years, we will have paid off the Alliance Development Fund loan which will save the Mission the ever increasing cost of rent from then on.

These are some of the things for which we give thanks and praise.

On a more personal note, we have great reason to rejoice in that our six year old daughter Jenna, made a very important decision. She was talking to her mom about what it means to be a Christian and how a person can become a Christian. As Chris explained it to her, Jenna asked Chris to write down the words of a prayer that she could pray to become a Christian. At this point, they brought dad into the conversation and we went to the computer to write up a simple sinner’s prayer for a child to pray. We talked very clearly about what each word meant. Jenna wanted to put a picture of a cross and a border of Christmas trees around the prayer which we did. We then printed it out and dad asked her if she wanted to pray that prayer. She said “no”, which surprised dad. Jenna then went on to explain that she wanted to think about it more first.

The next morning Jenna gladly told us “I am a Christian now”. She prayed the prayer on her own in the morning. We rejoiced with her and sent her on her way to school. While she was at school, Jenna told her best friend Yesel (the daughter of Korean missionaries) that she became a Christian today. Yesel asked her how she did that and Jenna explained it to her. Then Yesel asked Jenna to help her pray that prayer because she wanted to become a Christian too. So Jenna led Yesel in praying the same prayer she prayed earlier that morning.

Sometimes we make the Christian faith so complicated. But both Jenna and Yesel have reminded us that it does not need to be so. Jesus’ words are: "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." (Mark 10:14-15)

Prayer Requests:

• The price of rice has nearly doubled in Cambodia in the past three months. This is a particular burden to the poor since this is the staple food. Pray for the prices to come down and for the Christians to respond with wisdom and love for these needs that are significantly affecting all poor Cambodians (a poor Cambodian means that they earn less than $2/day which is more than 70% of the population).

• Pray for the Cambodian Field Leadership Team which will be meeting May 19-22. We will be looking at the directions of the CMA Mission in Cambodia for the next two years and significant decisions will be made. Pray for the Lord's wisdom and leading over our meetings.

Thanks for your prayers. Thanks as well for your gracious gifts to the CMA’s Great Commission Fund. This is the fund that keeps us on the field and supports our ministries in Cambodia. Gifts to the Great Commission Fund can be given through your local Alliance Church or through

Because He lives and Loves,

Dave and Chris Manfred
CMA Mission, Cambodia