Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Manfred's Christmas Update

Merry Christmas to one and all...

Here is our annual update on the Manfred clan...

Joshua, Kelsey, and brother Caleb welcomed Lydia Christine to the world on August 2.  Whoo Hoo!!!  Joshua is working full-time at Bethel University and started studies at Bethel seminary in the Fall.

Joel is a senior at the University of Minnesota studying Family Counseling.  He is living at our family home in Saint Paul.  He and his girlfriend Nikki continue to enjoy each other's company :)

Chris and Jenna with Molly, Max, Flamingo, and Tinkerbell
Janelle is a sophomore at Crown College studying nursing.  She is very involved with the missions group at Crown but also found some time to have her first experience skydiving.

Jenna is in 5th grade at Hope International School in Phnom Penh.  She enjoys her family, her friends, her dogs (Molly and Max), and her birds (Flamingo and Tinkerbell)

Chris has been overseeing the C&MA Cambodia Guest House as a ministry to the missionary community throughout Cambodia.  She also coordinated construction of four additional rooms at the Guest House. 

David continues as the Cambodia C&MA Mission Field Director. He traveled to the US in October/November to visit churches and had a great Thanksgiving with our US based kids.

David with (L to R) Kelsey, Josh, Caleb, Joel, Lydia, and Janelle

In June, Dave, Chris, and Jenna will return to the US for our one-year Home Assignment.  We will once again be based at Crown College where we will be the International Workers in Residence at the college.

We have been blessed with the Good News of Jesus Christ who loves us so much that "though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men." (Philippians 2:6-7).  It is still a radical message that is changing lives and can change our eternity!

We pray for God's richest blessings on you and yours over Christmas and into 2013.  

Dave and Chris

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